2024 We have just shipped a GPA Seabots mini-catamaran to the UNDP in Latin America. This is a remote controlled surface vehicle which will be used for shallow water bathymetry and inspection.
2023 We have delivered a quantity of Nortek Aquadopp Z-cell current profilers together with seabed tripods to the UNDP. In a few weeks we will be carrying out client training on these.
2023 UNDP have ordered a SeaBots mini-catamaran system which is fitted with a single beam echo sounder for bathymetric surveys.
2023 NOC Southampton have returned another McLane RAS-500 water sampler units for factory refurbishment. Four units have now been refurbished and brought right up to date.
2023 We were at Ocean Business in Southampton. A very busy exhibition and a good chance to catch up with the latest in our industry.
2022 Plymouth Marine Laboratory have ordered a McLane IFCB Imaging Flow Cytobot. This is the first IFCB to be ordered for England, although there are two units in use in Scotland. It will be mounted under a new buoy managed by PML.
2022 NOC Southampton have returned three McLane RAS-500 water sampler units for refurbishment before being installed off Greenland.
2022 FST Hemispheres – An unusual instrument for measuring the water velocity in very shallow streams. They comprise a set of differently weighted hemispheres which are placed one after another onto a plastic board in the stream bed. The one which does not slide over the board indicates the stream water velocity. We have delivered a set of these FST Hemispheres to AFBI in Belfast, who have been using this type of equipment for some years.
2022 We have delivered two more McLane sediment traps to British Antarctic Survey, which will be deployed in antarctica this season. The new traps use the new McLane’s MS-Windows based communication software for preparation and subsequent downloading of deloyment records.
2022 We contributed to the GEOMATICA conference in Havana, Cuba, in March, with a presentation on remote surface vessels for bathymetric surveys.
2022 Zebra-Tech have developed two special Hydro-Wipers for cleaning underwater cameras. These will be used by an underwater film crew recording for a fishing programme. Ther client has been very pleased with these, and is ordering two more.
2022 We delivered a McLane Research Labs Imaging Flow Cytobot (IFCB) to Shetland UHI.
2021 We supplied a Guideline Geo ABEM resistivity system to Invescons ENIA, and completed a weeks training in Havana.
2021 NAFC have ordered a McLane Research Labs Imaging Flow Cytobot (IFCB) which will be delivered at the end of the year.
2020 United Nations organisation UNOPS have taken delivery of a Nortek Aquadopp current profiler and Trios radiometer system for use by CEAC in Cienfuegos.
2020 We supplied parts and supported Geocuba Estudios Marinos to refurbish a met-ocean buoy for deployment off Havana Bay. This is essential to allow ships entering the bay to know the wave and current and wind conditions accurately. At the same time it is providing water quality measurement to the environment agency studying the waters of Havana Bay.
2019 Scottish Association of Marine Science (SAMS) at Oban, have ordered a McLane Research Labs Imaging Flow Cytobot (IFCB) which will be delivered in early 2020.
2019 We have delivered a HR Wallingford ARC-Boat with Cadden BALI echo-sounder system to Geocuba. This remote-controlled 2m long boat can be deployed by two people and carry out hydrographic surveys very quickly and efficiently. Geocuba also chose to include a video camera on the boat,, which will allow simultaneous inspection of harbour walls and docks while taking surveys of the water depths immediately adjacent.
2019 We have supplied a special Hydro-Wiper to French company Sabella. This wiper will keep clean an underwater camera which monitors the blades of an underwater power generator turbine. The installation will be in the water for two years, so the Hydro-Wiper has also been equipped with an extended life battery pack.
2019 NKE Instrumentation have ordered 12 Hydro-Wipers for use with Sepoint STM Turbidity sensors. Hydro-Wipers are used to keep the windows of optical sensors clean of bio-fouling, so that they do not need to be visited every couple of days, and the data remains valid.
2019 UCM choose ABEM TERRAMETER and SAS LOG 300 for ground resistivity and borehole surveys down to 300m. Together with French construction company Bouygues Bâtiment International, UCM have started to build a new hotel for Accor Group, which will top the 121m high FOCSA building to be the highest building in Havana, and is currently budgetted to cost $50M. It is due for completion in 2021.
2019 Ocean Instruments have donated two Seapoint Mini-SRF Rhodamine Fluorometers to AsiaQ Greenland Survey, which will allow them to carry out studies on river flows.
2019 Ocean Instruments will be taking part in the Earth Sciences congress in Havana in April 2019. In the three days before the show, Guideline Geo will be offering three full-day workshops on the TERRAMETER resistivity system, the TERRALOC seismic system, and the MALA GX Ground Explorer Ground Penetrating radar system. We will be carrying out full operations on the grass in front of Havana’s Palacio de Convenciones, and expecting a high number of attendees.
2019 Ocean Instruments will be taking part in the CubAgua conference in Havana in March 2019. We will be promoting the AP-2000 Advanced portable multi-parameter Aquaprobe from Aquaread, our new agency. The Environment Agencies in Cuba are and latin America are very keen to see this new instrument, and we will be bringing a complete kit for them to try out.
2018 The Instituto de Ciencias del Mar (Institute of Marine Sciences) in Havana have ordered three more Nortek Aquadopp Profilers, a Valeport Surveyor echo sounder system, and a Valeport fastCTD system.
2018 Cranfield University have ordered a Seapoint STM Turbidity sensor for use in a new flume tank they are building. The STM will help in studies of sediment transport.
2018 ENIA-Inversiones have bought a Guideline Geo ABEM Terrameter resistivity system together with a MALA Ground Penetrating Radar system.
2018 The Marine Institute, Mayo,Ireland, have bought another Seapoint SUVF Fluorometer. This enables them to study CDOM and dissoslved oil in the water.
2018 We have just sold an ABEM Terraloc seismic system for Geocuba in Holguin, as well as a MALA GX Ground Penetrating Radar system.
2018 Aquatec Group have placed an order for another 16 Seapoint STM-S Turbidity sensors. These are used in Aquatec’s Aqualogger TTY units to record turbidity and deduce suspended solids in the water.
2018 We have supplied some OKM Gepard Ground Penetrating Radar parts to an existing client.
2018 We have just delivered two Valeport TideMaster tidegauges to Cuba, for use by SERMAR at Mariel Bay container port, which has completed a phase of dredging and can now accept the new Post-Panamax ships. SERMAR have also take another Phantom 4 Plus drone to help with monitoring their dredging operations.
We have also delivered a Kongsberg multibeam transducer so that further dredging works can be 100% checked and approved.
2018 MARCUBA conference and exhibition: Apart from the USB thumb drives which we gave out, we had a lot of interest in all products, met several old friends and clients, and expect new business to come from the show. At the same time, we signed several new contracts for Geocuba Holguin, GeocubaEM, consulting engineers ENIA, dredging and marine construction company SERMAR, amongst others. As in previous years, Laura Benitez was an able assistant, this time helped by Laritza Munoz whose day job is a hydrographic surveyor at Geocuba in Santiago de Cuba. It was interesting to note that despite the tightening of the US blockade by Donald Trump last November, there were some 50 US scientists at the conference, whose theme was “The sciences of today for the coasts and oceans of the future”.
2018 We completed two training courses on the Leica MS60 Multi-Station in Cuba, one in Santiago de Cuba for Geocuba, and another in Havana for EMPI-FAR. This involved surveying and scanning the football pitch at Santiago’s stdium, which is being upgraded with a new artificial turf with help from FIFA, and a visit to the container base at Mariel where we scanned a cliff face to make a baseline to check it for movement, as some new factories are to be built there to accommodate new industries.
2018 All booked up and ready to return to the MARCUBA conference and exhibition in Havana this autumn. Ocean Instruments will be representing a number of companies in the oceanographic and survey industries. We will be handing out 500 USB memory sticks (thumb drives) which all the attendees much appreciate as they do not all have their own computers.
2018 We do sell some surprising things! This time a Proceq Silver Schmidt hammer to Geocuba. They will use it to measure and record the hardness of concrete structures.
2018 Two more Valeport WLR Tidegauges supplied to Geocuba.
2018 Another Leica MS60 Multi-Station is to be supplied to Geocuba, this time in Holguin. The contract includes a week’s training in Havana, to be given by a specialist
2018 The Marine Fisheries Research Institute (MFRI) in Iceland have ordered a Zebra-Tech measuring board. This will be used to record sizes of various fish from smolts to full size trout.
2018 NOC Southampton order another McLane 37″ steel subsurface float.
2018 Leica MS60 Multi-Station and ABEM Terrameter LS2 Resistivity systems supplied to consulting engineering company EMPI-FAR in Cuba. The contract included a week’s training in Havana, which was also attended by Geophysicists from Geocuba.
2018 The Seapoint STM-S Turbidity sensor has been selling well. Since the beginning of the year, we have sold more than 50 of these new units, which feature serial and analog data output modes, as well as a very high range signal for extremely turbid zones up to 20,000 FTU.
2018 A McLane G2200 float and FSI CTD assembly were found on Benbecula after breaking loose from a profiling system some 8 years ago. After a search for the owners, the unit has been returned to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and hopefully they will still be able to download recorded data.
2018 AFBI order a McLane 37″ steel subsurface float. The float will be used in conjunction with oceanographic moorings which AFBI deploy continuously to monitor the state of the northern Irish Sea.
2018 An ABEM Terrameter land resistivity system supplied to Latin America, together with a quantity of Leica Total Stations and Multi-Stations.
2018 AFBI order another McLane RAS water sampler.
2018 Leica levels and software supplied.
2018 NortekMed order 3 more Hydro-Wipers.
They have been using these for nearly ten years to keep turbidity sensors clean.
2017 DYNAMIC PROBING geotechnical software from Geostru supplied to a new customer.
2017 Various Leica surveying instruments and spares supplied.
2017 Aquatec Group order 6 more of the new Seapoint STM-S-BH turbidity sensors for their Aqualogger T310 loggers.
2017 A Coda Octopus DA4G data acquisition system supplied to a new customer.
2017 A load of oceanographic instruments consumables for GeoCuba.
2017 NKE Instrumentation, France, order more Seapoint Sensors STMII Turbidity sensors
2017 SERMAR order spares for a DJI Phantom drone.
2017 Another Valeport WLR Tidegauge ordered for Cuba.
2017 CNRS LOG, France, select the new Seapoint SCF-S Chlorophyll Fluorometer for an AUV.
2017 Seismic equipment shipped to Latin America.
2017 IFREMER, Brest, France, choose the new Seapoint STM-S for evaluation for a new network of turbidity loggers.
2017 NEW Seapoint STM-S Turbidity sensor introduced.
2017 Another Nortek AWAC supplied to GeoCuba.
2017 2 Geohammers supplied to GeoCuba.
2017 Seapoint SCF Chlorophyll Fluorometer supplied to Falkland Islands Fisheries Dept.
2017 Dual Frequency echo sounder transducer supplied to SERMAR, Cuba.
2017 2 Nortek AWACs supplied to GeoCuba.
2017 15 Seapoint STM-S turbidity sensors and Hydro-Wipers supplied to Techworks Marine, Dublin,
for use on dredge monitoring systems in Dublin Bay.
2017 A McLane RAS-500 supplied to SAMS, Oban
for deployment off Greenland.
2017 Various oceanographic instrument spares supplied to GeoCuba
for initial use on a dredging contract in El Salvador.
2017 Two ARGOS recovery beacons supplied to Tecnotex for GeoCuba
for deepwater moorings used to study the Gulf of Mexico loop current.
2017 GPS navigation system and various bridge parts supplied to SERMAR, Cuba,
for use on marine construction and dredger servicing boats. These should enable them to work safer.
2016 Nortek Aquadopp current meters and Valeport CTDs supplied to World Wildlife Fund Cuba
for long term climate change studies in the Jardina de la Reina and off the Isla de Juventud. The instruments were delivered to the Institute of Oceanology, who will deploy them and maintain them.
2016 Durham University order 10 McLane G8800EM glass float units for use with their seabed geophysical units.
Before that … well its history isn’t it !